Inca Gold - Organic (Peru)


Origin: Cajamarca, Peru

Species: Arabica

Preparation: washed

Tasting notes: full-bodied, sweet, honeydew melon, orange 

Roast: dark

Brewing: Moka Pot; Filter; Aeropress; French Press

Beans or ground?
Tax included

Peru is known for its clean, smooth coffees and a high proportion of Organic- and Fairtrade-certified farms. This coffee is grown organically at 1,650-1,800 meters above sea level in the Department of Cajamarca (situated in the northern highlands of Peru, sharing a border with Ecuador). 

The Sol y Café Cooperative was formed in 2005 and has since grown from a group of 27 producer associations to more than 60, representing around 1,000 smallholder families. New potential members must demonstrate a commitment to growing high quality organic coffee. In turn the cooperative supports the farmers with advice on improving productivity, gaining quality and sustainability accreditation, and the development of export markets. The cooperative has been successful in raising the standard of the coffee and now exports more than 80% of the collective harvest. The consistent high quality of the coffee is acknowledged nationally and internationally.