Bird of Paradise - Organic (Papua New Guinea)


Species: Arabica

Varietal: Arusha, Blue Mountain, Typica

Preparation: washed

Tasting notes: smooth, tropical fruit notes

Roast: medium

Brewing: Portafilter; Bean-to-Cup; Moka Pot; Filter; Aeropress; French Press

Beans or ground?
Tax included

Commercial coffee production in Papua New Guinea dates back to 1926 when the first Jamaica Blue Mountain seeds were planted. Presently, around 70% of the country’s coffee production is cultivated by small farmers with remote land holdings. They grow as few as 20 trees per plot in so called “coffee gardens”, alongside subsistence crops. This high quality coffee, grown at altitudes around 1100 metres above sea level gives a particularly fine cup.

The typical village-based grower in PNG uses no synthetic fertilizer or chemical pesticides. Leaf-fall from the shade trees, together with the skin and pulp of the freshly processed crop, provide natural and nutrient-rich mulch. Quality control at central washing stations ensures a consistent high quality for the beans.